The first solar-powered plane

Location: Base of Bern, Switzerland
Time: six-thirty am
Attendance: the public, spectators and media from all over the world
Event: The first solar-powered  plane took off operating 24 hours

After eleven years of dreams and seven years of work off the first jet-powered solar day and night, the plane that the four-engined DC designed to store solar energy through the 24 thousand solar cell and this aircraft is made from carbon fiber and weighs heavier mid-size car and need the plane to 80 meters only to quit the project budget is estimated at around 100 million Swiss francs and 94 million U.S. dollars were procured 80 million of them through companies sponsor

المكان : قاعدة برن بسويسرا 
الزمان : السادسة والنصف صباحاَ
الحضور : جمهور ومشاهدين ووسائل اعلام من جميع انحاء العالم
الحدث : اقلاع اول طائر تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية تعمل على مدار 24 ساعة
بعد إحدى عشر عاما من الاحلام وسبع سنوات من العمل اقلعت أول طائرة تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية ليلاَ ونهاراَ ، تلك الطائر التى تعمل بأربعة محركات كهربية مصممة لتخزين الطاقة الشمسية من خلال 24 ألف خلية شمسية وهذة الطائرة مصنوعة من ألياف الكربون ويبلغ وزنها وزن سيارة متوسطة الحجم وتحتاج الطائرة الي 80 مترا فقط للاقلاع وتقدر ميزانية المشروع بحوالي 100 مليون فرنك سويسري و 94 مليون دولار أمريكي تم تدبير 80 مليونا منها من خلال شركات راعية


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Now in Egypt office 2010

Microsoft has announced that its new software package of office 2010 ,visio2010 and project2010 are now available in Egypt. Aymen abd elatif ,General Manager of Microsoft Egypt , said that the Beta Version has had 9 millions download , that shows the great interest in these new programs.

(office2010 /visio2010 /project2010) أعلنت مايكروسوفت عن إطلاق حزمة البرامج الجديدة 
وقد أشار أيمن عبد اللطيف مدير عام مايكروسوفت مصر إلى أن برنامج النسخة التجريبية تجاوز أكثر من 9 ملايين تنزيل  وهذا مايؤكد الاهتمام الكبير بالبرامج الجديدة     

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New research of Dr. Zewail

In his lecture in library of Alexandria last Thursday,  the Egyptian  great scientist Ahmed Zewail announced for his  new research which will com out in August .this new research will speak about imaging of atoms and molecules with new technology four-dimensional (height / width / height / time) by using the sophisticated electron microscope.
Benefits of the new research:
- Open a new field of scientific research which will lead Ahdot radical change in medicine over a period of 10 to 20 years in addition to understand how drugs work , reducing the cost of production them and it will also help in finding a cure for Alzheimer's.
The lecture came during the official Opening Ceremony of the new Civil Association (Age of Science).

خلال محاضرته بمكتبة الاسكندرية الخميس الماضى ، أعلن العالم المصرى الكبير أحمد زويل عن بحثه الجديد المتوقع صدوره فى اغسطس القادم. يدور البحث  حول تصوير الذرات والجزيئات بتقنية جديدة رباعية الابعاد (الطول/العرض/ الارتفاع/الزمن)باستخدام ميكروسكوب الكترونى متطورة 
فوائد البحث الجديد
- فتح مجال علمى جديد البحث مما سيؤدى احدوث تغير جذرى فى الطب خلال فترة من 10الى 20 سنة بالاضافة الى فهم كيفية عمل الاواء وتخفيض تكلفة انتاجه كما سيساعد فى ايجاد علاج للزهايمر
جاءت تلك المحاضرة خلال حفل الا فتتاح الرسمى للجمعية الاهلية الجديدة عصر العلم

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How to make the 2010 World Cup soccer (jabolany)?

you can watch this vedio one the link :

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Introducing the New YouTube Mobile Website

you can watch this video on the link :

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Let's jump inside the screen !

Imagine yourself in front of TV and suddenly become the inside!
Do not be surprised because this is now a reality with new technology that will sweep the whole world in the future and cause the same leap achieved by turning the TV image with a black and white to color photo, but the greatest, it's 3d technology or three-dimensional.
The first attempts to use this technique was in the twenties of the last century
At present, this technique uses two different types of glasses:
First: passive 3D glasses
Second: Active 3D glasses
Quality first is divided into two types (anaglyph) and (polarized)
They rely on the same idea with a different method of application

In a quality first (anaglyph) and called color separation idea is based on the view the same image different colors next to each other and wearing a viewer the freshness of the lenses different in color allows each lens over only one color and prevent the second receives an viewer image differently for each eye separately in this case the brain integrate the two pictures together in a single image with three-dimensional effect
This technology is currently deployed in films and three-dimensional images on the Internet and some television stations that broadcast on satellite channels such as Al-Jazeera
For glasses (polarized) is based on the same idea with the replacement of different colors in different polarization by figures (polarity) and the specs to allow each eye to see a single image of the brain integrates together and influence the events of three-dimensional
This technique spread in the three-dimensional films, which was in the cinema, such as the famous film avater, which drew world attention to this technique visually stunning
We come to the second, which is the quality of Active 3D glasses
This quality depends on the glasses are connected to the display and interact with the screen by displaying the images on each eye at certain speeds Altpaly, suggesting to the eye as in the three-dimensional space.

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Samsung Star TV

Samsung has launched its mobile (samsung 16220 star TV) in the Egyptian local market through the branches of the Range taken logo (TV in your pocket to look at the Hi) and Mobile is characterized by:

* Lcd3 inch screen
* 3.2 megapixel camera
* Control Palmas
* Digital imaging and Video
* Internet at 50 Mbps
* Easy to use

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